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Improve Your Multifamily

Find Out How Others Saved
$137+ Per Unit & 109% ROI

Innovative Hot Water Savings Opportunities

Reduce Structural Waste

Less cold water to purge

Eliminate Behavioral Waste

No more empty showers

Prevent Tub Spout Leaks

Eliminate leaks while showering

Evolve's Auto-Diverting Tub Spout System

Evolve’s Auto-Diverting Tub Spout system with integrated TSV (thermostatice Shut-Off Valve) Technology effortlessly saves water and the energy used to heat it by speeding hot water delivery, giving residents the freedom to multitask while waiting for hot water to arrive and eliminating tub spout leaks – all while delivering an efficient, yet great feeling shower experience. The result? Improved comfort and convenience for your residents and simple, yet substantial water and energy savings for you.

Fast Hot Water Delivery

Reduce hot water waits

Freedom To Multi-Task

Multi-task while waiting for hot
water to arrive without waste

Thermostatic Shut Off

Temperature activated seal
prevents hot water from exiting
tub spout during shower

Predicted To Save Up To
Per Unit Per Year
That's A Savings Of $21k+/year
On A 156 Unit Building

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